
Ilona Selke

Bridging Differences: Mastering the Art of Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

Bridging Differences: Mastering the Art of Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Effective communication is key to maintaining harmony within any group, especially among friends and family who may hold opposing opinions. Here are some strategies and techniques to enhance communication and foster a more harmonious environment: 1. Active Listening:    – Give the speaker your undivided …

Bridging Differences: Mastering the Art of Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Read More »

The Manifestations Paradoxon – Why we don’t always get what we desire, and what we can do about it

Why we often don’t get what we want and what you can do about it Have you ever wondered why some of your desires just don’t come true despite intense efforts, visualization and positive thoughts? And have you ever wondered in frustration why the universe just doesn’t deliver “your orders” even though you seem to be doing everything you can to make it …

The Manifestations Paradoxon – Why we don’t always get what we desire, and what we can do about it Read More »

How important is a positive self-image for manifesting your desires?

How important is a positive self-image for manifesting your desires? Do you know which self-image or self-images you carry within you in regard to money? How about in regards to love and your deepest relations? It is not always easy to know what our self-image actually is. Most people don’t have a clear idea of …

How important is a positive self-image for manifesting your desires? Read More »

“Visualize Your Way to a Healthier You: The Power of Mindful Visualization for Weight Loss”

VISUALIZATION AND WEIGHT LOSS Visualization can be an effective tool for weight loss because it helps to change one’s mindset and reinforces positive thoughts and behaviors. Hitting menopause, I realized that I could no longer just eat anything I wanted. When I hit 72 kg, which was 24 pounds over my ideal weight, I saw …

“Visualize Your Way to a Healthier You: The Power of Mindful Visualization for Weight Loss” Read More »

How do we develop our superpowers?

HOW DO WE DEVELOP OUR SUPERPOWERS? As a young child, Ilona Selke realized that the Universe responds to human thoughts. She soon proved through her own experimentation that she could communicate with the Universe — and, in fact, anyone can.Ilona dedicated her adult life to metaphysical exploration and spent about four decades researching, experimenting, writing, and teaching about human …

How do we develop our superpowers? Read More »