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We went on a Walk-About, slept in dry river beds, and dreamed big, and… in 1990 we moved to an Island in the Northwest Pacific of the USA, where we built with our own hands our Geometric cathedral-like Dome House.
We literally shaped our lives with the course Living From Vision® and meditation, much like you shape your dream.
I got fascinated by cetaceans, and so we moved to live by a dolphin beach on the Big Island of Hawaii, where we lived for 12 years.
We then owned and ran the Dolphin Watch and Research Boat in Florida for 10 years, and eventually built our Shambala Seminar Center on the north coast of Bali in 2008, where we also built a home, and where we live a large part of the year.
For over 35 years together with many international Living From Vision® Teachers, we have inspired many thousands of people worldwide to shape their reality with the power of their spiritual minds.
During the past 35 years, I wrote 6 books, which were published in German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Czechoslovakian, Hindi, and Telugu played Flute on many CDs and trained LFV Teachers worldwide.
I’ve appeared on Television and Radio in the United States and was a favorite speaker at the Prophet’s
Conferences. I’ve been quoted in many books for my inspiring and healing work with people and with dolphins.
I had my own TV show called Quantum Living, with many fascinating interviews that are still on my Video Blog by the same name.
For more than 35 years I have taught seminars and Living From Vision® Teacher Trainings worldwide in English, French, and German, including in Bali, North America, Australia, India, England, France, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland.
Ilona Selke is a Consciousness Catalyst and Manifestation Mentor. She has shared her expertise in guiding individuals to tap into their heightened consciousness, harness the power of intention, and manifest their desired realities. for the last four decades.
Ilona Selke’s work revolves around empowering others to unlock their potential and create positive transformations in their lives.
As a catalyst for expanded consciousness and a mentor in the art of manifestation, she inspires individuals to embrace their innate abilities and co-create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
Ilona Selke is an international bestselling author, seminar leader, musician and CEO of LIVING FROM VISION and has built the SHAMBALA seminar center in Bali with her husband and has been running it until now.
She has written five books and is co-author of the bestselling book SUCCESS BLUEPRINT with Brian Tracy and the bestselling book THE BIG SECRET with Jack Canfield.
She ran a weekly TV show Quantum Living on the WBTV Network and has produced 25 CDs.
Ilona Selke and her husband Don Paris, Ph.D (h.c) have lived on an island north of Seattle, in the Northwest Pacific of the USA for over 30 years, as well as in Bali, where they run their Shambala Oceanside Retreat Center on the north shore of Bali and the Shambala Spa in Ubud.

Ilona Selke is an international bestselling author and seminar leader, speaker, and musician as well as the CEO of Living from Vision www.livingfromvision.com
She has written five books and is co-author of two bestselling books with Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield.
Ilona Selke ran her weekly TV show Quantum Living on the WBTV Network and has produced 10 Music CDs and recorded well over 200 guided meditations.
She has appeared on television and radio shows and has been interviewed and quoted in numerous books, films, and conferences for her work.
Her books and teachings have been translated into English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Czechoslovakian, Hindi and Telugu.
Since 1987 Ilona Selke has been teaching personal development seminars in Europe, America, and Asia for therapists, teachers, doctors, business people and laypeople.
Over the past 30 years, Ilona Selke has inspired thousands of people around the world to discover the power of their consciousness to create a successful life.
In addition to her appearances on television and radio broadcasts, Ilona Selke took part in the well-known Hay House Tele-Summit in America and Germany and was an inspiring speaker at many other Tele-Summits.
She has also been a popular speaker at numerous conferences such as the Prophets ‘ Conferences, the Quantum Energy Conferences, the Global Sciences, and the Global Spiritual Scientist, etc.
Ilona Selke and her husband Don Paris, Ph.D. (h.c) are co-founders and CEOs of Living From Vision, a company dedicated to teaching about the holographic nature of the universe and how human consciousness is related to the three-dimensional world that can interact consciously.
The Living From Vision® course, available online or in book form, teaches methods of goal setting, success creation, and manifestation skills through a whole-brain holographic method.
The LFV course has been translated into six languages and has been taught worldwide by a network of LFV teachers and coaches since 1990. https://www.livingfromvision.com
In addition, Ilona Selke and her husband have been involved in the research and development of a quantum tool called the SE-5 1000 since 1987, for which her husband received an honorary doctorate in 2000. https://www.se-5.com
In 2007 they built both of the inspiring Shambala Oceanside Retreat Center on the north coast of Bali www.bali-shambala.com as well as the health spa called Shambala Spa in Ubud, the heart of Bali www.ubudmassage.com
With a total of 36 employees in Bali, they both live there for a large part of the year.
From 2004-2014, Ilona Selke and her husband owned a Dolphin Watch Boat in Key West, where they offered Wild Dolphin Encounters.
The numerous articles and books by Ilona Selke describe the amazing research and discoveries she made with the dolphins in her over 1000 hours of underwater contact with wild dolphins.
Ilona Selke and her husband share their time between their homes in Ubud, Bali, and their Shambala Retreat Center on the northern coast of Bali, and their home on an island in the Pacific Northwest in the USA.
- ilona(at)ilonaselke.com
- Office Tel: +1 387 5713 PST in den USA
- WhatsApp:+13602020001
Ilona Selke was born in 1961 in the Himalayas to a German family. She spent the first three years of her life, speaking German and Persian, in the mountainous areas north of India.
After the untimely death of Ilona’s father, the mother, and her two daughters moved back to Germany in the mid-1960s. Ilona spent the next 17 years of her life in Germany with her family and lived together with her grandparents, her aunt, uncle, mother, and sister in an extended family.
Ilona’s mother taught her two daughters Yoga, the Yogic Breath techniques, and meditation from an early age. As a trained pedagogue and talented seminar leader, her mother took Ilona and her sister to many seminars and training courses from an early age, including the teacher training courses for group leadership, which Ilona’s mother taught.
This early training in how to lead seminars set the tone for Ilona’s life’s works, shaped her life for the future, and gave her the motivation to lead inspiring, transformative seminars herself for over three decades.
Since 1989, Ilona has trained participants and instructors around the world in the art of conscious interaction with the seemingly solid reality and to develop heightened states of awareness and soul-consciousness.
At the age of 15, Ilona began to inquire into the nature of the spiritual worlds, and since age 18 she meditates regularly.
At the age of 20, Ilona Selke moved to America to study philosophy and comparative religion on the East coast. Since she did not find satisfying answers to the fundamental questions of life in her studies, she devoted herself to studying the Eastern teachings and concentrated on meditation and the mystical discovery of the inner worlds.
During her philosophy studies, Ilona met Don Paris, Ph.D., her future husband, with whom she furthered her studies in mediation and soul consciousness. Soon this let Ilona from the world of theoretical philosophy into the realm of direct, mystical perception.
In the mid-1980s she moved in with her husband Don Paris, Ph.D. to Colorado and studied body-centered psychotherapy, massage therapy, breathing therapy, Hakomi, and gestalt therapy.
After a Walk-About period, Ilona Selke and her husband discovered the SE-5 and Radionics which catapulted their lives into a new dimension.
They moved to Seattle in 1987 and within three years they moved to an Island north of Seattle, in the North-West Pacific. There they started their corporation dba Living From Vision, which is dedicated to teaching about the quantum understanding of reality, and that consciousness is interactive with the matter. Both started teaching seminars in meditation and awareness training, as well as Radionics.
In 1988 Ilona started studying with Dr. Vernon Wolf, the developer of Holodynamics, to be a seminar leader. In 1995 Ilona received her Masters’ Degree from Dr. Vernon Wolf in the Holodynamics Method.
During this training, Ilona met Dr. Rod Newton, the developer of the Living from Vision® (The LFV course), and became first a Trainer and then a Teacher -Trainer and then the World Wide Distributor and Trainer for the LFV Course. The LFV course was translated into six languages, German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Czechoslovakian, which are now also available as online courses in various languages, together with a specially designed daily planner as an App.
Ilona is working with an international network of LFV Instructors, who teach the LFV methods worldwide.
Ilona and Don traveled all over the world to lead their seminars, among others to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, England, North America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, South America, India, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Singapore, and Bali, as well as some other Far Eastern countries.
In 1988, Ilona Selke and her husband met some exceptional inventors and researchers in the field of alternative medicine who became their life-long mentors. Among the closest was Dr. Bob Beck, the developer of the famous BrainTuner, and another engineer, Willard Frank (stage name), who had developed one of the most renowned Radionics-Instruments to that date.
In 1993 Don Paris published a book on Radionics and specifically about the SE-5 device: “Regaining Wholeness Through The Subtle Dimensions.” (Available for free as a PDF from https://www.SE-5.com)
Originally, the book was written in English, and then translated and expanded into German. Now it is published in German, English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. For his work, Don received the honorary Doctor Title.
After the death of Dr. Willard Frank in 2008 Don Paris Ph.D. (h.c) developed the SE-5 1000 in 2009 to complete the change-over of the previous SE-1000 to fit into the computer age. The SE-5 has now been updated to the SE-5 2000, the SE-5 Balancing-Only Instruments, and the QS Server, which allows access worldwide. httsp://www.qsserver.com
In 1990 a visit to SeaWorld inspired Ilona Selke to explore the world of dolphins. The imprisonment of these seemingly so intelligent beings shocked Ilona deeply and became Ilona’s internal driving force to discover the cetacean’s true intelligence, and healing ability, and to explore the legendary telepathic abilities of dolphins in the wild.
In the following decades, Ilona and Don Pairs spent thousands of hours together with wild dolphins and whales in various oceans around the world. In Key West, they became the owners of Dolphin Watch Inc, a dolphin watch boat, which they operated for 10 years.
The results of her years of research, especially the Spinner dolphins in Hawaii and the Bottlenose dolphins in Florida, as well as their spiritual experiences and the experiences of their seminars are described vividly and inspirationally in two of Ilona’s books: Wisdom of the Dolphins and Dolphins Love & Destiny.
In 1993 Ilona wrote the children’s book Alin Learns To Use His Imagination, based on the work of Holodynamics by Dr. Vernon Wolf, in which children, as well as grown-ups who are young at heart, can learn to use their imagination productively to transform problems and turn their dreams into reality.
Ilona has published workbooks, many Online-courses, and guided mediations, has written many articles in English and German for magazines, has appeared on radio and television internationally, and was a popular speaker at the Prophet Conferences and other many other conferences.
Together, Don Paris and Ilona Selke have published 10 Music CDs and Ilona recorded well over 200 guided meditations in German and English.
In 2016 Ilona Selke co-authored two bestselling books with Jack Canfield (co-author of Chicken-Soup for the Soul) called The Big Secret, as well as with Brian Tracy Success Blueprint.
In 2017 Ilona published the bestselling book Dream Big – The Universe is Listening, which also is translated into German, and in 2023 the book The 7 Golden Rules of Living From Vision will be published in both English and German.
As a flautist, Ilona has produced her own Album Himalayan Soul for the Monroe Institute, as well as published nine additional Music Albums with her husband Don Paris, of which the series TIBETANA with the renowned Tibetan Opera Singer Tsering Lodoe (who was a lead singer on the movies Himalaya, and Seven Years in Tibet). Sound Samples are available on: https://www.tibetanamusic.com .
Don Paris and Ilona Selke offer seminars in their Shambala Retreat Center in Bali, with a focus on inner enlightenment in order to consciously experience the multi-dimensional universe.
Together Don Paris and Ilona Selke have made it their life’s work to promote higher levels of awareness, and to provide methods to be conscious co-creators in life. At the beginning of 2001, Ilona had the dream of building a kind of Ashram, in which different teachers from all over the world work in tandem in the temple for the enlightenment of humanity.
In 2009 Ilona Selke and her husband opened their Shambala Retreat Center on the north coast Bali www.bali-shambala.com.
Her team of 36 employees, whom she calls her angels, runs the Shambala Retreat Center on the north coast of Bali and the Shambala Spa in Ubud, and the Shambala team works with love and devotion, as it is found only in Bali.
At the same time, Ilona Selke and her husband set up the Shambala Spa in Ubud that offers massages, as well as other modalities of healing, such as sound treatment, and healing on the energetic level: www.ubudmassage.com
In addition to working in the area of developing the power of Soul Awareness, Ilona has had a lifelong passion for design and architecture, which she was unable to live out in favor of her seminar and authoring work. Building the Shambala Retreat Center allowed her to design, which was another of her heart’s desires.
Don Paris and Ilona Selke live together on an island in the Northwest Pacific, north of Seattle, and in their two homes on Bali.