
Deborah: When did you start to realize the power of visualization?

 Ilona: Before I realized the power of the imagination, I was inspired to learn about it.

Television series such as I Dream of Jeannie, and the fairytale, Aladdin and the Wonder Lamp riveted my attention as a child. Although we did not have a television at home when I was a child, and I still don’t, my grandparents had one.


Let me digress a little first. The stories we choose to fill our minds with when we are children have a huge impact on our life’s path. Whatever we focus on when we are children, often become our ideals, influencing our life’s choices.


I’m very grateful that in the sixties, we had gentler movies and more benign stories than the ones children are bombarded with nowadays. The images and ideals that children see in this modern day can be very dangerous. Shooting, and warlike behavior are being fostered in children as if to prepare them for such a life, whether it’s movies, apps or Game Boys. These images and emotions direct the children’s mind to set goals unconsciously, becoming real when they reach adulthood. We have yet to fully understand these influences.


I began to realize the power of visualization when I was around ten years old. I figured out that when I focused attention on something I did not want, I ended up getting it!


To prove my theory, I focused my attention of not wanting a bicycle for Christmas. As I expected, I received a bicycle for Christmas. Although I told the universe I did not want the bike, I visualized the bike in the process. Later I understood that we get what we focus our attention on. It does not matter whether or not we put a huge “not” in front of the item we are focusing on.


Deborah: How did you start using the power of visualization with children?


Ilona: As I grew older, I read about yogis who have supreme powers of the mind, and how they utilize these methods through meditation. I also studied psychotherapy techniques that utilize imagery exercises to solve problems.


When I started teaching seminars at the age of 30, children also came. Later I was asked to guide children in the use of their imagination.


I remember so clearly the moment when a little girl who was mute, first started to speak. I had asked the children to visualize their Place of Peace, and to connect with their Ideal Self. The girl’s grammar school teacher who attended the session, wanted me to stop asking questions of this little girl. The teacher had never had any results herself, and did not want to burden the child.  When I asked the girl about her experiences from the guided imagery, the girl started speaking, whereas she had never talked before. I could feel that she had an answer and was ready to speak.


All I needed was to be patient enough for her articulate the first word from her lips. She said “blue.” That was the beginning for her. From then on, she started talking and hugging people again in her life.


Deborah: How does it help children who have different ways of being?


Ilona: Many children who are very sensitive need attentive parents. Giving space allows children with gentler natures to express themselves.


When teachers and parents slow their minds down to enter an imaginary world, to enter the multidimensional world, they start developing the capacity to listen to the children from the inside out.


By slowing down, we give children the time they need to fully express themselves. When children feel understood with their multidimensional experiences, they feel safe to open up to others.


Deborah: Please give a couple of examples.


Ilona: One time I gave a guided imagery exercise to a number of teenagers in Germany. I asked the children to connect with their Place of Peace, as well as with their Higher Selves. I asked them to commune with the higher part of themselves to get answers for their lives. One of the children was deeply moved by the end of the session. She connected with the Higher Self of her boyfriend, who was using drugs. The Higher Self of her boyfriend told her how much he needed her help.


This information alone gave her the strength not to follow the same road as her boyfriend. It gave her the realization that the higher part of him wanted to stop drugs and needed her help.


Guiding children to hear their inner voice, gives them the capacity to strengthen their own sense of right and wrong. Developing the ability to listen to one’s own conscience is paramount in evolution. If we rely on law or external forces to keep us on the “right” road, we don’t truly become evolved souls. We need to listen to our own inner voice. Guided imagery is a way to access this higher dimension within ourselves.


There was another child who was afraid of being on a train by herself. Unlike India, trains in Germany are quite safe. However, this little girl didn’t feel safe. She used some of the techniques I wrote in a book for children, called, Aline learns to use his imagination. Instead of avoiding her fear, she allowed it to guider her in what she really needed. Through the process of communicating with the fear inside of her, she realized she had the need to feel strong and safe. After her own internal processing, she travelled on a train with confidence and a sense of safety. Now at the age of 30, she recalls this as being a pivotal changing point in her life!


When we use imagery, we not only create changes in our emotional body, but also in the real, external world. The connection between our imagination and actualizing it in our reality is the least understood in our modern world! Our imagination creates holographic resonance patterns that then become the blueprint for our external reality.


Deborah: How does it help all children?


Ilona: Accessing higher parts of ourselves gives us a guidance system from within. When children learn to communicate with their negative emotions, they empower themselves from the inside out.


Dr. Vernon Wolf developed a technique called Holodynamics that helped many teenager overcome drug additions during the 1980’s. Dr. Bobby Barnes used these same techniques as well to help a group of at-risk children that were about to drop out of school. After two months of this visualization, the children were back to scholastic standings.


Deborah: Please share with us anything else you would like us know about visualization.


Ilona: Visualization is a tool to help us create a better life, to turn problems into solutions, to create positive emotions out of negative emotions, and to help us achieve our goals.


Beyond being a tool, the imagination is truly a portal into higher dimensions. It allows us to go beyond the logical, rational, and linear mind to create the miraculous.


The imagination is a function of the higher mind and consciousness that is located outside and beyond the physical body. It lies beyond the confines of our brain and logical mind.


Learning to use methods of visualization not only helps us to become psychologically better equipped, but to become spiritually more evolved beings.


I know of children who learned this method when they were three to six years old. They are now living a spiritually integrated life. They understand how the higher functions of their consciousness create their reality in what we call Life on Earth.

The imagination is truly a backdoor for our spiritual evolution.

 Ilona Selke is an author, seminar teacher, and musician who was born in the Himalayan Mountains to her German parents in 1961.

Her book  ALIN LEARN TO USE HIS IMAGINATION is now a bestseller book in Germany.

It helps children access their visualization abilities, and assists them to solve their emotional problems and uplifts their self esteem.



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