Many of us find ourselves at times not able to manage our negative emotions effectively due to stress, anxiety, pain, etc.
Catch Teatox with Pinky Daga in a conversation with Ilona Selke on Transmuting your anger and anxiety to higher emotions followed by a guided meditation.
Published in the ONE SPIRIT online magazine April 2020
How to deal with fear positively
Suddenly life has come to a standstill, quite differently than we have ever experienced. We have no psychological preparation for this situation.
Not only is the invisible virus lurking, but for many people, it also means that income will be cut, or the cash flow may stop in the foreseeable future.
The human system reacts to uncertainty with fear. Fear is the reaction of our limbic system to activate our survival powers. Muscles contract, cortisol levels rise, stress hormones rise, pulse rates can rise. All of this is done to increase our chance of survival.
This is fear’s positive wish: It wants us to survive Some of us do not even notice that fear has arisen in us, we are just stressed, we are more angry, anxious, or suddenly we are less productive.
Some people cling to the media and pump themselves full of scary images every day.
At least you have the feeling that despite a paralysis that has arisen, you are doing something, you are getting information.
Some people build theories that play down everything and try to convince other people that everything that goes on in the media is fake news.
Everyone has different strategies for dealing with fear. The most important thing is to first admit that you consciously or subconsciously feel insecure or are scared.
In today’s article, I would like to point out a few ways that this chaotic energy can be used to strengthen, heal, and create a positive future.
I have written many reviews of this method in my books such as Wisdom Dolphins, or Dream Big – The Universe is Listening, and I also have taught this method also contained in the self-study course Living from Vision, and in seminars for 35 years, worldwide.
There are currently three main fears that are currently bothering us:
1. Fear for one’s own health, and fear for the health of loved ones 2. Fear of losing food, including work, money, and lifestyle. 3. Fear of the loss of the world as it was before, of lifestyle and above all of the freedom, and the accompanying feeling that an evil power has suddenly gained the upper hand.
Feelings, whether positive or negative, are our friends. They are the bridge to the higher dimensional world.
Through our feelings, we are connected to this 3-D world. We can use and use these feelings to gain access to the matrix and to convert it to the good.
Feelings no matter how positive or negative they are, are energy sources.
The moment we become aware of our feelings; we take a step back to get a perspective. We stop first and look at our feelings and the situation we are in.
At this moment, our soul becomes active, we give our consciousness space that is larger than the moment in which we are.
This is the first and most important step we can take: Becoming aware that we feel something and what we feel.
Then we can deal with the feeling ourselves, take a closer look at it, perceive it more closely, dress it in color and give it a shape so that we have a real counterpart, so to speak.
The moment we have a dialogue with our energy, e.g. for example, with the fear, we have access to a much deeper power and wisdom of the universe. The universe is intimately connected with us and our consciousness.
However, fear often closes this door or faints into helplessness, it tries to dominate the 3D world with power.
The first step in getting out of this fear (or the feeling of powerlessness, or whatever it is) is to listen to that fear and perceive it as energy. Let’s pick fear as an example: If we ask fear what it really wants, it will usually tell us that it wants something positive.
Fear alerts us to the fact that something is wrong and in the deepest sense, this feeling desires a solution.
For example, the fear of getting sick wants to be healthy; the feeling of being weak wants to be stronger; the fear of death wants to survive and to be with the family.
The is the wish to experience love, to be safe. If we give this fear the chance to tell us what it really wants, if we dare to feel this fulfillment for a few minutes, then we have already taken the first step towards healing and even fulfillment.
We can get access to a positive future by listening to the deeper desire of the fear.
By that I mean the true desire, that is embedded in the negative emotion.
In this way, the negative feeling becomes the very doorway, through which we enter a fulfilled future. The universe reacts to our thoughts and ideas and above all the feelings that we associate with them. The universe, based on the Law of Resonance, creates the circumstances that translate these internal vibrations into 3D.
Sometimes fear says that it wants to be protected or that it wants to have a protective wall around itself or us for that matter. But that is not the ultimate goal.
The universe needs the blueprint of our ultimate goal, not the means to an end. Therefore, allow yourself for a moment to put yourself in the state of the fulfilled future.
This technique, as simple as it may seem, forms the principle of all often magical changes because our universe works holographically.
We do not need to push the fear away, we can use it to find out what we really want. It becomes the driving force for fulfillment.
This means we do not have to get rid of fear, we don’t have to fight it, we don’t need to deny it, but we can use it as a driver to get where we really want to get.
When we become aware of our feelings and envision a fulfilled future, we enter a different timeline of possibilities. By focusing on the fulfillment of the truest deeper wish, one that was contained in the core of the negative emotion, we are free to enter the universe in which we experience the fulfillment.
We need to conceive of it first. And foremost this needs to happen emotionally. The universe listens to our energy not our words.
First, we become an observer. The observer has the chance to choose from the many parallel opportunities and can choose what you really want. Built on the psycho-maturation technique of Dr. Vernon Wolf and the knowledge that our life works holographic, I have taught other people all over the world for the last 35 years, how we can accomplish real transformation, bordering on the miraculous, by converting negative energies into their positive potential.
The physical world takes on the form of the feeling hologram which we carry as a blueprint or matrix in our subconscious.
That is why it is necessary that we face our fears, understand our frustrations and then ask them to show us where they really want to go.
In the case of our current world situation, we do not need to remain in fear, but let ourselves be guided internally by our fulfilled energy.
This enables us to do the right thing at the right time, at the right place.
Because we are in deep inner contact with our intuition through this work, we are or have advanced intuition. We will be informed well in advance when needed to do the right thing and be at the right place.
When we have been practicing this type of communication with the holographic universe for a long time, we will find our intuition to increase dramatically.
That is because we have chosen to listen and cooperating with the universe.
Read a few miracle stories from my books to show you how powerful awareness is. This will boost your trust and understanding of how this holographic universe works. Indeed, we live in the matrix, and our imagination models the blueprint, one which the universe follows. With this method, we strengthen our intuition and know things that we do not know how they know. Important information can reach us from higher levels, guide us better so that we are always in the right place at the right time.
Even if it is sometimes illogical, we react to this inner voice, our inner guidance, and are always in the right place at the right time.
Start listening to your future now, and it will allow you to create Heaven on Earth internally first and then in your outside world.